Saturday, December 03, 2005

Problems with bringing lunch to work

I have read a lot of financial articles about all the money that can be saved by bringing your lunch to work rather than buying it from the cafeteria or local restaurants. I would estimate that I spend about $40-$50 a week on lunches. That is almost $200 per month that I could be saving. That's a good chunk of change. Financially, I understand why I should bring my lunch from home, but it is not that easy. There are 2 reasons for that I have a hard time with this:
  1. The social aspects of going out to lunch with my work friends.
  2. I truly believe that my sanity is being saved by getting out of the office at lunch.

I have tried on numerous occasions to start bringing my lunch to work to save some money, but it has always ended in failure. For starters, when I bring my lunch in, I generally end up sitting in my office eating it, while everyone else still goes out to lunch. I feel as though I miss so much when I do not go out with them. Then there is also the problem of sitting at my desk and eating my lunch taking much less time than if I went out to lunch. It just makes the day seem so much longer because I do not get out of the office and I only take about a 15 minute lunch.

What do other young professionals think? Are you good about bringing your lunch in or do you view going out to lunch as a necessary expense?

Bringing lunch to work

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Blogger Peachy said...

You can always start by bringing a lunch one day a week. I've seen a lot of people buy lunches and take them to the park. I've even taken a lunch to the park with the people eating out.

12/03/2005 10:21 PM  
Blogger RS said...

I agree, that is a good point. I don't need to bring it every day, but start bringing it on somedays.
There were actually a couple of times when I was bringing my lunch in that I brought it to the restaurant where everyone was going. Nobody there said anything about it, but I still felt weird eating my own lunch there.
Thanks for the comment.

12/04/2005 12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've worked at a couple of locations and the only time I liked bringing my lunch to work was when it allowed me to leave work early (going out to eat usually takes an hour or longer - if I bring my lunch and eat in a conference room with a friend or two, it's 30 minutes, tops). I agree that lunch is usually more about socializing than saving.

12/15/2005 5:01 PM  
Anonymous Antioch Sandblasting said...

Great bllog

11/14/2022 2:32 AM  

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